Sunday, 4 May 2008

Feeling like poo!!!

Urgh I have some kind of virus! The gland in the left side of my neck is feels like a melon and my ear is intermittently blocking........generally a really poo couple of days coupled with the bank holiday weekend and a hubby in the restaurant trade does not make for a happy Mummy. But we've coped. The kids have been very good really. T has doen some more good work today - we've time lined up to the end of Henry II's reign and yet again he remembered stuff we covered last week pertinent to Stephen and Mathilda's reigns!!! We then attempted a word search which I had previously avoided coz I thought it might be above him but he did a grand job. Then we had a good crack at EC and he has finally finished Literacy yr 2 and I've moved him up to yr 3....not bad considering he should only be in yr 1 if he was in school. He's been struggling over 2 or three sections which we attacked today and went over together before he did them himself and suddenly he has finished!!! He was very chuffed with himself indeed and we're now just waiting for the level thingy to move up so he can go and explore the new "games"!!! He's about 3/4 of the way through maths but chugging along quite nicely and isn't close enough to the end yet to want to start moving up, which is good coz there are still some concepts he hasn't quite got his head round so he needs to stay int he Yr 2 bracket for a wee while longer. We finished the day with a Feudal system quiz which he stormed through! Apparently the answers where obvious......of coarse coz the feudal system is just so simple! But actually it is and the History on the Net pack explains it so well and clearly that on reflection the answers are obvious! Its starting to get to the time when I'm going to have to get an Ed city bit for L. He's desperate to join in and with T's encouragement and help I reckon we've got about 6 months before he'll be chomping at the bit to have his own "games" to do! I just need to get his PC skills a bit more precise and reiterate that shouting at the PC doesn't help.....well at least not when I do it!
I feel better on days like this blogging what we've done. I've also had a list going so I can actually see how productive we've been despite me being decidedly lack lustre!

1 comment:

Mabel Morris-Minor said...

wow!! you guys are going so well!!
hatty :)