Saturday, 10 February 2007

a productive day well disguised!

One of those days where you feel its been a write-off but actually quite a lot has been achieved. I have a stinking viral bug thingy and had to attend a childminder briefing meeting today to investigate new ways of making enough money to stay home with my boys with out going to work!! Yet this morning over breakfast I found myself explaining Roman numerals and having a discussion about how they might make maths easier....which hadn't occurred to me, I am ashamed to say. Meeting - Sat there slowly losing the will to live feeling like I was drowning in a barrel of snot. Really the whole thing could have been covered with a website and a letter but Ofsted and the CC just LOVE standardising people don;t they, so a meeting it was. Came home and we were all knackered and decided to have a Harry Potter afternoon.....well they boys did, I went to bed! D then went off to work and I decided to do some reading with T. Totally forgotten about but went on there as his choice of book was one he knew off by heart! So he read Zac the Rat and Peg the Hen. I had both of them on my knee and T has a really bony bum!!! Anyways tired of trying to keep L's hands off the keyboard I surrendered the lap top to T who then went on to find "games" related to the stories. I sat in the lounge when I heard the printer go....which is never ever a good noise coz T has very little patience and expects the printed item to appear the second the big, fat, print button has been pressed. (God love these sites for suggesting you print every thing) So when said print item does not materialise instantly the button gets pressed again....and again and again so when I come to try and print out something vaguely important? NO EFFING PAPER!!!!! Anyways on this occasion something else on the site distracted him and print was only hit once (that or all the shouting a have done in the past about finding 3 million copies of the numberjacks e-card as permeated........I'm putting my money on the distraction) SO then he wanders in with this print out. "Look! Tracings so I can do writing then I am going to do a picture of a net." T sits himself at the table and off he goes, tracing letters then copying them then drawing a lovely picture of him and Daddy fishing.

Then I mention that one of the ladies on my list has organised a campaign defending home ed I explained that we were going to draw round his hands and decorate them then write a wish on them. Then this lady is going to deliver them to the government to show them that they need to leave home edders alone. Cue a painfully detailed discussion about who the government is and what they do and how we need laws and who makes them etc oh made me brain ache. So T disappears off and returns with two decorated hands and then tries to do L's....L was having none of it and buggered off to eat a Santa stamp, returning with a blue mouth.....sometimes they make me so proud!!!!!!

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